My Toddler Talks Best of 2014

My Toddler Talks Best of 2014

Greetings my friends!

This year I’ve decided to do a year-in-review post.

I’ll begin by sharing highlights from my own year, then provide a list of my top posts from 2014 and conclude with some announcements for the upcoming year.

My Toddler Talks Best of 2014

My Toddler Talks Best of 2014

First off, I want to thank each and every person who has supported my blog, my practice, or my writing efforts. Each time someone clicks the like button, shares a post, writes a comment, subscribes to my blog, recommends my book, or takes time to write an honest review of My Toddler Talks, I smile inside.

Writing is very much a solitary experience and my community is small.

I also realize that time is precious.

From the bottom of my heart – thank you.

I very much appreciate you all taking the time to consume my content. When I hear from my readers, whether positive or critical, it motivates me to keep creating useful posts and products.

My Personal Year-in-Review

All in all, 2014 has been a pretty good year with many ups and downs.

  • Our dear Kerrigan FINALLY outgrew her reflux and multiple food sensitivities, which made for happier mealtimes and more restful nights.

  • We had our first family trip to Disney World. It was truly magical and we look forward to visiting again.

  • I finished illustrating and writing my second book, Learning to Read is a Ball. This interactive picture book includes an extensive, step-by-step parent guide to help parents, early educators, and fellow speech language pathologists, develop some of the pre-requisite skills (oral language, phonological awareness, and print awareness) needed for literacy success. This project has been a two-year endeavor and I anticipate it's release in early 2015 – please stay tuned!

  • Lastly, and most importantly, I have started to incorporate rest, relaxation, and mindfulness into my daily life and practice. Unfortunately this past spring, I suffered a second consecutive late missed miscarriage. It was physically and emotionally devastating as I was already into or very close to the 2nd trimester both times. Fortunately, I found comfort and support from my family and friends – my village. Yet, they could only do some much for me. I needed to find peace from within. Learning to cultivate a sense of calm and mindfulness is not easy; it takes practice and dedication. I hope to continue to make progress in this area. I also recommend it for any reader who needs to find inner strength.

Well, let’s get to it...

Here are my top 7 posts of 2014 based on popularity:

My Toddler Pinches and Bites When We Try to Get Her to Talk

5 Spring Books for Toddlers

Waiting Expectantly: What it is. What it looks like. Why we do it.

7 Ways to Get Your Toddler to Communicate

Its Takes a Village: Getting Everyone on Board to Support Your Toddler's Language Development

Why Does My Toddler Pull and Point But Not Talk?

Speech Therapy Toys for Toddlers

A peek at what’s to come in 2015:

  • Videos!!

  • More FREE worksheets and handouts for my newsletter subscribers.

  • Learning to Read is a Ball – an interactive picture book accompanied with an extensive step-by-step parent guide to promote oral language, phonological awareness, and print awareness - Due out in early 2015!

Thanks again for all your support. Wishing everyone a healthy and happy 2015!

In need of some additional free and helpful resources? Please subscribe to my newsletter. I share information and handouts exclusively with my newsletter subscribers.

If you have enjoyed reading My Toddler talks, please help spread the word. Tell your friends, write an honest review on Amazon, click the social media buttons or personally give me your feedback. I love hearing from my readers and value your input.

Thanks for reading!